Student Writing

Every school-aged child is entitled to education according to individual needs and abilities.  Some students may require additional support in order to meet the learning requirements of some subjects.  Teachers will anticipate learning variations and will address individual student needs by providing an appropriate program.

Curve Lake First Nation Education staff work together to monitor the progress of all students.   This includes the O’shkiigmong Early Learning Centre as early identification may serve to:

  • Establish a clear understanding of any visual, hearing, or other medical conditions that may affect learning;
  • Identify students who may have academic, cognitive, motor, or social challenges, so that interventions or more in-depth assessments can be initiated;
  • Identify students who may have a delay in speech and language skills, so that remediation or treatment can be initiated;
  • Enable school teams to plan proactively to provide experiences and programs that will maximize students’ strengths and meet any special needs they may have from the time they enter school.

Special Education

The student may be referred to the Special Education Team for academic assessment.  With permission of parents/guardians, appropriate diagnostic evaluations will be completed in order to develop an individualized program and an Individual Education Plan (IEP) may be developed.

Therapy Services

In addition to our in school special education team we also have developed a partnership with Kawartha Therapy Services and are able to provide the following support at the school as needed.

  • Occupational Therapy
  • Speech and Language Pathology
  • Social Work