Our school celebrates student achievement.   We host an annual Pow Wow at the end of each year to celebrate our students transitioning to the Provincial system.  In addition to this celebration, our graduation ceremony in June honors all students moving to a new grade.  Selected students receive awards for accomplishments in literacy, numeracy, the environment and our seven Grandfather Teachings.

Certificates of Recognition

Each month one of the Grandfather teachings is focused on during the Monday morning opening circle.  At the end of every month, the staff host a closing assembly.  Teachers select students they feel have best demonstrated the teaching of the month to receive a certificate of recognition.  When a staff member witnesses a student displaying a trait from any of the Grandfathers, they will be given a leather feather to be placed in the feather box located in the foyer.  Once all 100 feathers are gifted out, the entire school receives a celebration or activity.

Three Eagle Feathers

A number of years ago, the school was gifted three eagle feathers.  These feathers are housed in a wooden box.  The feathers are gifted from classroom to classroom as determined by the students.